Jeshua ben Joseph: Life For All On Earth is About to Change Dramatically
Jeshua ben Joseph via John Smallman | John Smallman’s Blog — Humanity is on the verge of an amazing development of enormous significance in your spiritual evolution. Your entire Earth history has been…

Jeshua ben Joseph: The Divine Energies are Supporting Your Journey
Jeshua ben Joseph via John Smallman September 19, 2012 John Smallman Note from John Smallman: Dear Friends, I want to thank you all for your regular visits to the Jesus Blog. I believe…

Jeshua Ben Joseph: You Can See Signs Everywhere That the Old Order is Crumbling
Jeshua ben Joseph via John Smallman – September 12, 2012 John Smallman You are on the verge of an enormous breakthrough into your fully-conscious state that will lead you to the most amazing…

Jeshua Ben Joseph: Tremendous Preparations Have Been Taking Place
Jeshua ben Joseph via John Smallman – August 8, 2012 John Smallman All in the spiritual realms are watching with fascination and excitement as humanity moves ever nearer to awakening. Your collective unconscious…

Jeshua Ben Joseph: Intend to Accept That All Humans are the Divine Offspring of God
Jeshua ben Joseph via John Smallman February 18, 2012 http://wp.me/p1B8dY-3j Love binds us together, gently, sweetly, and eternally, because it is the field in which all of creation has its existence – at…

Jeshua ben Joseph: You Are all Now in a Highly Accelerated State of Releasing
Jeshua ben Joseph via John Smallman February 12, 2012 http://johnsmallman2.wordpress.com/2012/02/12/you-are-all-now-in-a-highly-accelerated-state-of-releasing/ When humanity awakens as one into its divine and fully-conscious state, there will be great rejoicing throughout creation. Its awakening has been planned…

Jeshua Ben Joseph: When Judgment is Set Aside, Appropriate Responses Can Be Determined
Channeled by John Smallman January 22, 2012 http://johnsmallman2.wordpress.com As you watch the dramatic evolutionary changes in people’s behavior occurring all over the world, you cannot be unaware of the effects that those changes…

Jeshua Ben Joseph: Many Events Are Set to Unfold
Jeshua Ben Joseph via John Smallman http://johnsmallman2.wordpress.com 2012 will be a year of changes and surprises, some unsettling, but many uplifting and inspiring. As the year progresses, many events are set to unfold…

Jeshua ben Joseph: You Have Made Enormous Strides in the Last Few Months
Jeshua ben Joseph via John Smallman December 4, 2011 http;//johnsmallman2.wordpress.com In the spiritual realms we are watching with joy as humanity intensifies its efforts to release the unloving attitudes that have never served…