How to Shift Your Consciousness and Raise Your Spiritual Awareness
HJ: Life is a journey of evolving consciousness, of continual spiritual growth and development. This happens through our experiences. Each is an opportunity to evolve and grow, should we understand the lesson contained…

Unlock the Power of Your Mind: How to Access Deeper States of Consciousness Using Sound
HJ: Our minds are truly unlimited in capability and power, but in order to unlock their full potential, we must learn to use them like an artist learns to paint. Like anything in…

How the Sun’s Activity Affects Our Consciousness
HJ: There is no separation between our consciousness and the sun. The two are inextricably linked, a fact which ancient societies understood quite well… After all, our entire sleep wake cycle is dictated…

Everything is Connected: How to Experience The Deep Relationship We All Share
HJ: As we grow and evolve spiritually, we move from separateness to oneness — we realize that separation is an illusion and truly everything is connected at a fundamental level. As we…

How to Simplify Your Life Like a Zen Master
HJ: Like anything in life, achieving the outcome you desire is more about your internal state of mind/being than anything else. Therefore if you desire to simplify your life, you must begin to…