5 Powerful Questions to Get You Unstuck and Back in the Flow
HJ: The only thing that keeps us stuck in life is our perception. Shift that and the world shifts and reality shifts in direct reflection. And there are few things as powerful as…

The Mind-Body Connection: How to Discover the Emotional Roots of Disease and Illness
HJ: 95% or more of disease is a result of deep unhealed emotional wounds, traumas and belief patterns. In this illuminating, research backed guide, you’ll learn to see the connections between what’s going…

10 Simple, But Powerful Ways to Increase Your Spiritual Awareness
HJ: These 10 principles or rules for living will easily, simply and powerfully expand your spiritual awareness. – Truth The 10 Step Spiritual Diet Start loving your body today. By Brad Lamm —…

How to Be Radiantly Happy and at Peace, Even When Things Don’t Go Your Way
HJ: Always remember, life is not happening to you, it’s happening for you. – Truth Accepting Delays and Appreciating the Gift of Empty Time By Avery Rogers — “Always say ‘yes’ to the…

10 Spiritual Foods to Raise Your Vibration
10 Foods that Will Raise Your Vibration Let’s try something new. Let’s consider what we eat in terms of energy, not nutrients. Everything in this world has its own unique vibration, depending on…

10 Ways to Transform Insecurity and Shame into Strength and Confidence
HJ: You are whole. You are infinite and your powerful beyond measure. If you are in an emotional state that is telling you anything less than this you are lying to yourself and knowing…

This Powerful Siberian Healing Herb Boosts Your Mood, Immunity and Energy
HJ: In nature there exists treasures everywhere. For every ailment that humankind faces, there is a corresponding herb or natural medicine to treat the mind, body and spirit. – Truth Rhodiola Rosea Significantly…

How to Experience the Wisdom, Good and Growth Hidden in Difficult Situations
HJ: The idea of right and wrong, good and bad are all just judgement calls on events and circumstances designed to help us grow and expand. Every single last one of them. –…

20 Keys to Letting Go and Trusting the Flow of Life
HJ: When you let go and trust the wisdom of life, you open yourself to the flow and the infinite ways that abundance, joy and effortlessness can work itself into your life. Mind…

How to Deal With Difficult Emotions and Stay Centered in Love and Harmony
Attachment, Ego and the Emotions By Rena Wells — Diving into the emotional realm does seem daunting. In all honesty not many of us truly understand what emotions are, and how could we? Even…