How Your Belief in Aging is Causing the Aging Itself and How You Can Change It
HOW TO EXPERIENCE THE ETERNAL MOMENT OF “NOW” AND BEGIN TO STOP THE AGING PROCESS IMMEDIATELY Cosmic Awareness via Paul Shockley | Cosmic Awareness — This Awareness suggests that entities, while reading this…

How to Identify and Unlearn That Which No Longer Serves Your Highest Good
HJ: It is suggested that if you wish to create a life more in line with your dreams and desires, you may want to examine your conscious mind for beliefs that do not…

How Meditation and Visualization Work at the Sub-Atomic Level of Matter
HJ: Our thoughts have electromagnetic energy that affects matter at the sub-atomic level, causing changes and magnifying the intention and emotion with which they are sent out into the universe. This is the…

Free Energy From the Pyramids: Suppressed Groundbreaking Research Provides New Insight into Ancient Mysteries
HJ: We cannot expect mainstream media to cover stories such as these, as they present information that flies in the face of the illusion that the multinational corporations and various secret power structures…

The Mass Awakening: Understanding Humanity’s Evolution in the Context of the Cosmic Cycles
HJ: Ascension was seen by many as the culmination of humanity’s awakening process, when, in fact, it was merely another step along the endless path of spiritual evolution. Now, that being said, it…

Essential Wisdom for Those Travelling the Spiritual Path
HJ: Dr. Bitkoff once again graces us with his profound, timeless wisdom for seekers on the path to self realization. More than any other author I have come across to date, Dr. Bitkoff…

How to Release Your Fears With Qigong Meditation
HJ: Mark my words, Qi Gong in all its forms will see a resurgence here in the West as we collectively begin to explore further into our own innate spiritual nature. As a society, we…

The Pause Diet – For Joy, Health, Happiness and Peace
HJ: This is such a brilliant article. It outlines steps one can take to truly connect with and appreciate their food for the sacred gift it truly is. Most people have a highly…

26 Powerful Mantras for Deep Healing and Personal Transformation
HJ: Mantras have many modes of action in the mind-body-spirit triad. On a mental level, they work as affirmations of ones own higher consciousness and divinity, which can work to replace limiting beliefs…