Earth’s Magnetic Field and its Effect on Human Behavior and Consciousness
HJ: An important distinction I am increasingly learning to make is the determination of what is my own energy vs. those of the collective, the general universal/terrestrial flux, or even simply others I…

The Hathors: A Cosmic Window
The Hathors via Tom Kenyon | Tom Kenyon — In this final message of the year we wish to address an energetic opportunity for the elevation of consciousness and the illumination of your…

The Hathors: The Aethos and Non-Dual States of Consciousness
The Aethos and Non-Dual States of Consciousness The Hathors via Tom Kenyon | www.tomkenyon.com October 2012 — In this message we wish to discuss some of the significant relationships between manifest reality and non-dual…

The Hathors: The Sphere of All Possibilities
A Hathor Planetary Message Through Tom Kenyon Ton Kenyon In this message we will endeavor to share with you a method for manifesting outcomes in your 3-D reality as well as in other…

The Hathors: Light the Path
The Team (Hathors) via Peggy Black 15 July 2012 www.morningmessages.com We are here and honored to express our gratitude and acknowledgment, for you are reaching a turning point in your evolution. More and…

The Hathors: Divine Partnerships
The ‘team’ [Hathors] via Peggy Black July 3, 2012 www.morningmessages.com We are here and ready to invite and empower you to step forward in partnership with the divine stream of consciousness. We have often…

Hathor World Meditation on 11-11-11
Transmissions of Light: Reminder A Hathor Planetary Meditation Reminder from Tom Kenyon http://stevebeckow.com/2011/11/hathor-transmissions-of-light-world-meditation-on-111111/ The World Meditation on 11/11/11 The actual “Transmissions of Light” World Meditation (as our group together in Seattle will experience…