15 Health Secrets of the Worlds Longest Lived People
HJ: If you want to know how to be healthy, why not study the worlds longest lived people? Surely they have something figured out… – Truth 15 Secrets Around the World About Health…

How to Majorly Shift Your Level of Happiness in Just 3 Days
HJ: From one moment to the next you can become an stay ecstatically happy. All it takes is a shift in perception and how you live your life… – Truth The 3-Day Happiness…

How to Let Go of Expectations So You Can Experience Deep Peace and Joy in Every Moment
HJ: Let go of expectation and the beauty and wisdom of life comes pouring in to your experience, bringing with it great peace and joy… – Truth How Expectations Undermine Our Relationships and…

15 Highly Nutritious Foods That Will Boost Your Mood and Happiness
HJ: We are indeed much more than what we eat, but nevertheless what we eat can help us to become so much more than what we are. – Adelle Davis – Truth 15…

The 12 Laws of Happiness: The Keys to Joy in Life, Love and Work
HJ: To be in a state of happiness is to be quite closely aligned with the source energy from which all reality springs. It is a divine state that brings you into vibrational alignment…

17 Ways to Transform Negativity into Positivity and Hope
HJ: Our perception dictates whether we choose to see negativity or positivity—meaning that it is ultimately a choice. Every single situation can be viewed in a positive or negative manner and both are…

31 Ways to Drop into the Present Moment and Feel Happier Right Now
HJ: Right here, right now, happiness is waiting for you. When you let go of how you think things should be and start appreciating how they are — seeing the wisdom, good and beauty in…

5 Questions to Help You Only Focus on The Things Essential to Your Health, Wealth and Happiness
HJ: Your focus is everything — what you focus on, you get more of. It is one of the simplest laws of consciousness. And therefore, the art of maintaining your focus on only…

10 Things to Let Go of That Will Make You Happier and Freer
HJ: Sometimes it’s not about creating happiness, it’s really just about removing everything that’s blocking our natural, organic happiness shinning from within. Often times we already have what we seek but because we…

5 Powerful Questions to Help Your Create More Success and Joy This Year
HJ: Questions allow you to suspend your habitual ways of thinking and venture into the realms of creativity and possibility. They ignite your imagination and help you solve seemingly insurmountable problems, overcoming challenges…