LIBOR Scandal Escalates: Italian Police Raid Barclays Over Rate-Fixing
HJ: The LIBOR Scandal continues to escalate, which takes us one step closer to the rise of the new financial system. I continue to be surprised and impressed by authorities worldwide not…

Archangel Michael: A Gathering of Souls
HJ: Many of those who channel Archnagel Michael are ‘unclear channels’ and his supposed messages are highly tainted with the thoughts, emotions, desires, and expectations of the channeler, making them unreliable and fantastical…

Cobra Intel: The Plan and What You Can Do
HJ: So once again, dates get pushed back and now Cobra is saying don’t even really count on the much lauded December 21st, 2012 date as being anything particularly special. Hmmm. I’m getting…

Benjamin Fulford: Why the West is Now under Nazi Rule and Why the Elite are in Denial
By Benjamin Fulford July 31, 2012 BenjaminFulford.net A visit to Canada and long conversations with bankers, newspaper editors and others still living inside the “mainstream” story about world events has exposed a deliberate…

Foods to Boost Your Thyroid Activity
Best foods to eat to kick-start a sluggish thyroid by PF Louis Natural News (NaturalNews) If you feel sluggish, tired or depressed often with some difficulty losing weight no matter what you try,…

Patricia Liles: August Blue Moons and Astrological Forecast
Aquarius Full Moon Sun in Leo ~ Moon in Aquarius at 10º August 1, 2012 at 9:28 PM MDT By Patricia Liles Ascension for All Uranus that unpredictable genius, rebel Trickster and Awakener,…

CNBC Report: Are Fiat Currencies Headed for a Collapse?
HJ: This bombshell article was release by CNBC on Friday. The stir in the blogosphere is that it is part of the ramp up to a global currency reset and disclosure. It is…

Aisha North: A Time of Confusion
By Aisha North The Manuscript of Survival I was at my sitting at my computer as usual this morning, opening up to see if there was a message coming through. There was, but…

Royal Bank of Scotland Drawn into Libor Scandal as Banks Learn Scale of Review
HJ: As should be obvious to anyone following this scandal by now, every major bank is implicated and those that have not yet will be. This scandal is finally shining the light on…