Archangel Uriel: Live From Your Heart
HJ: Jennifer Hoffman brings us a beautiful message from Archangel Uriel. Filled with profound insight and wisdom, it is messages like these that help us navigate the still new waters of 5th dimensional…

Archangel Uriel: You Are The Gift
Channelled by Jennifer Hoffman Enlightening Life This is the Archangel Uriel channeled message for July 16, 2012 Each incarnation is your soul’s gift to Source and Source’s gift to you, as you step…

Archangel Uriel: Surviving The Calm Before The Storm
By AuroRa Le. June 18, 2012. AuroRa Le ● The tiniest light can illuminate a room and it takes but a scant few torchbearers to blaze the the way for an entire…

Archangel Uriel: Heal Your Energetic Space
Archangel Uriel via Jennifer Hoffman April 16, 2012 http://enlighteninglife.com/heal-your-energetic-space Each of you lives in an energetic space that is at the vibration and frequency of your lessons and healing journey. Within this space you…

Archangel Uriel: One Light Can Change the World
Channeled by Jennifer Hoffman January 30, 2012 www.urielheals.com Any limitation that you feel blocks your path is an expression of a memory you carry deep within your physical, emotional and energetic bodies of…

Archangel Uriel: The Blessings of Dis-Illusionment
The Blessings of Dis-Illusionment A message from Archangel Uriel channeled by Jennifer Hoffman Monday, 1 August, 2011 (posted 7 October, 2011) Those things which get your attention are created through tension and resistance….