Hilarion Message for the Week of June 3rd, 2012
Hilarion via Marlene Sweltishoff www.therainbowscribe.com June 3-10, 2012 Beloved Ones, As you go about your daily activities, it is important that you continue to stay grounded each and every day and that you…

Hilarion: These Times Require Complete Self Honesty
Hilarion via Marlene Swetlishoff/Tsu-tana May 27, 2012 http://www.therainbowscribe.com/hilarion2012.htm Beloved Ones, This is a time for deep inner contemplation and the discerning of that which still exists within yourselves that no longer serves the…

Melchizedek: Your World is Undergoing A Major Shift
Melchizedek via Marlene Sweltishoff http://www.therainbowscribe.com/melchizedek2012.htm Beloved Ones, Your individual Light shines far amongst the backdrop of the constant change and metamorphosis taking place within you and in every atom of the World upon…

Melchizedek: Your Intentions are Being Immediately Amplified in Strength and Power
Melchizedek via Marlene Swetlishoff/Tsu-tana April 17, 2012 http://www.therainbowscribe.com/melchizedek2012.htm Beloved Ones, These days that you are each experiencing are bringing each of you into greater balance, harmony and integration with all aspects of your…

Hilarion: The Challenges That Have Beset You Are Now in Their Completion Stages
Hilarion via Marlene Sweltishoff http://www.therainbowscribe.com/hilarion2012.htm April 15-22, 2012 Beloved Ones, The challenges that have beset you for such an extended period of time are now in their completion stages and the end is…

Melchizedek: Listen, You Can Hear the Crystalline Grids Hum in Harmony with the Universe
Melchizedek via Marlene Swetlishoff/Tsu-tana April 10, 2012 http://www.therainbowscribe.com/melchizedek2012.htm Beloved Ones, We wish to impart to you the need and necessity of maintaining grounding into the Earth during these times as the higher energies…

Melchizedek: April 3rd, 2012 Message
Melchizedek via Marlene Sweltishoff http://www.therainbowscribe.com Beloved Ones, As you each grapple with the summoning from within you of the desire and knowledge that all must be forgiven, truly forgiven, before completion of all…

Melchizedek: Stay True to Your Heart Promptings Follow Your Inner Guidance
Melchizedek via Marlene Swetlishoff/Tsu-tana http://www.therainbowscribe.com March 20, 2012 Beloved Ones, At this juncture, it is very important to stay focused on your ultimate destination and to remember that for which you are incarnated…

Melchizedek: Message for March 13th, 2012
Melchizedek via Marlene Sweltishoff http://www.therainbowscribe.com Beloved Ones, At this juncture of Cosmic events, your World is drawing near to the end of one phase in its evolutionary life wave cycle and into a…

Melchizedek: The Seeds of Love Have Taken Root
Melchizedek via Marlene Sweltishoff www.therainbowscribe.com Beloved Ones, In this discourse I wish to bring to you the knowledge of your Divine connections. Each of you who find your way to the messages through…