Nothing Has Changed: Analysts Expect Greece To Exit The Euro
Matthew Boesler | Jun. 19, 2012, 4:33 AM Business Insider As it so happens, none of the major investment banks really view this weekend’s election results out of Greece as having much impact on whether the…

Greece — What Matters And What Does Not
By Tyler Durden on 06/16/2012 11:35 -0400 Zero Hedge From Mark Grant, author of Out of the Box Greece—What matters and What does Not The bond market is heading East while the equity markets heads…

Greek President Told Banks Anxious as Deposits Pulled
By Natalie Weeks and Maria Petrakis – May 16, 2012 http://bloom.bg/JjKVxL Greek President Karolos Papoulias was told by the nation’s central bank chief that financial institutions are worried about their survival as Greeks pull out euros…

Greece on the Brink: Chaos and Fakery as the Final Act Begins to Unfold
By John Ward http://hat4uk.wordpress.com/2012/05/16/greece-on-the-brink-chaos-and-fakery-as-the-final-act-begins-to-unfold/ With signs of growing panic in the markets and Greek banking system, dirty tricks via post seem to be the order of the day in Athenian politics. The Establishment…

Has The Greek Bank Run Started?
by Tyler Durden on 05/15/2012 11:36 -0400 http://bit.ly/J9io3y While the long-term decline in bank deposits over the past 3 years has been well documented both on Zero Hedge and elsewhere, it is the most recent, acute post-electionphase that…

Leaked German Rescue Plan For Greece: What it Tells us About the Mentality of Merkelism
By John Ward http://hat4uk.wordpress.com/2012/05/14/leaked-german-rescue-plan-for-greece-what-it-tells-us-about-the-mentality-of-merkelism/ What will Camerlot do this time? In a major scoop this morning, Der Spiegel offers up a leaked memo from the German Finance Ministry under Wolfgang Schäuble, in which…

If Greece Exits [the Eurozone], Here Is What Happens
By Tyler Durden on 05/13/2012 11:07 -0400 http://bit.ly/Jax2BX Now that the Greek exit is back to being topic #1 of discussion, just as it was back in the fall of 2011, and the media has been flooded…

Euroblown: Why the Greeks Should Ignore the Scaremongering and Dump the Euro
By John Ward http://hat4uk.wordpress.com/2012/05/13/the-twice-daily/ The twice-daily soap opera Euroblown is now pretty much into its stride as far as the format is concerned. Head Scriptwriter Wolfgang Schäuble briefs the cast on Mondays, after which the…

Greek Leaders Fail to Form Coalition
A third attempt to forge a coalition in Greece has failed as the leader of a radical party committed to a complete revision of the country’s critical EU bailout refused an invitation to…

Schauble Says Europe Can Handle Greek Exit As EFSF, Fitch Warn Of “Catastrophe”, Mass Downgrades
By Tyler Durden on 05/11/2012 09:39 -0400 http://bit.ly/JlUzT2 Oh yeah….. Greece. As already pointed out, first we had Fitch and then various European ladies and gentlemen, all lining up one after another, to talk down the event…