Nothing Has Changed: Analysts Expect Greece To Exit The Euro
Matthew Boesler | Jun. 19, 2012, 4:33 AM Business Insider As it so happens, none of the major investment banks really view this weekend’s election results out of Greece as having much impact on whether the…

First Greek Exit Poll Shows Dead Heat Between Syriza And New Democracy
By Tyler Durden on 06/17/2012 12:03 -0400 Zero Hedge The long-anticipated first Greek exit poll is out. The results, per Greek Mega TV, are as follows: New Democracy 27.5-30.5, SYRIZA 27-30, PASOK 10-12, Ind Gr…

Greece — What Matters And What Does Not
By Tyler Durden on 06/16/2012 11:35 -0400 Zero Hedge From Mark Grant, author of Out of the Box Greece—What matters and What does Not The bond market is heading East while the equity markets heads…

Euroblown: Greece Stops Dead as Government Introduces Payments Freeze & Importers Demand Cash Up Front
By John Ward http://hat4uk.wordpress.com/2012/05/28/euroblown-greece-stops-dead-as-government-introduces-payments-freeze-and-importers-demand-cash-up-front-24/ BEDLAM CREATED BY EU/BERLIN LUNATICS TAKES OVER IN ATHENS Facing the threat of a delay in the disbursement of bailout installments from the Troika, Greece’s caretaker government has suspended rebates and…

Greece Will Run Out of Money by End of June, Warns Former PM Lucas Papademos
Former Greek prime minister Lucas Papademos has reportedly warned that Greece may run out of money by the end of June if international bailout funds are cut off following next month’s election. AFP…

If Greece Exits [the Eurozone], Here Is What Happens
By Tyler Durden on 05/13/2012 11:07 -0400 http://bit.ly/Jax2BX Now that the Greek exit is back to being topic #1 of discussion, just as it was back in the fall of 2011, and the media has been flooded…

Euroblown: Why the Greeks Should Ignore the Scaremongering and Dump the Euro
By John Ward http://hat4uk.wordpress.com/2012/05/13/the-twice-daily/ The twice-daily soap opera Euroblown is now pretty much into its stride as far as the format is concerned. Head Scriptwriter Wolfgang Schäuble briefs the cast on Mondays, after which the…

Greek Leaders Fail to Form Coalition
A third attempt to forge a coalition in Greece has failed as the leader of a radical party committed to a complete revision of the country’s critical EU bailout refused an invitation to…

Euroblown: While Papademos Talks Bollocks, Suicides Speak Volumes
By John Ward http://hat4uk.wordpress.com/2012/04/07/euroblown-while-papademos-talks-bollocks-suicides-speak-volumes/ Dimitris Christoulas’ suicide note is a death-sentence for the Troikanauts Lucas Papademos said during an official visit to Cyprus that current projections suggest Greece’s economic output — or gross…

Breaking: Two Main Greek Parties Already Breaking Bailout Agreement to Gain Votes
By John Ward http://hat4uk.wordpress.com/2012/04/02/breaking-two-main-greek-parties-already-breaking-bailout-agreement-to-gain-votes/ Dutch Finance Minister offers blunt warning against Athens trickery. Desperate eurocrats still hoping for Chinese, G20 involvement. Greek media sources last night revealed that a get-out clause – in…