A Complete Guide to Healing and Nourishing Your Brain With Whole Foods
HJ: There is nothing more misunderstood than food. And yet, therein lies one of the keys to radiant health and wellness. Our health is a combination of the beliefs we have about ourselves,…

How to Rewire Your Brain for Greater Intelligence, Happiness and Peace
HJ: Your brain is an incredible, highly adaptable ‘machine’ that can and does change with you as you evolve and grow. In fact, with a little knowledge of it’s basic patterns and functioning,…

How to Rewire Your Brain for Success, Happiness and Growth
HJ: Your mind creates whatever you put into it. If you play small and doubt yourself, that’s what it creates in your life and if you are confident and centered, then you better…

Master Your Mind: Understanding the 3 Ways Your Brain Sees the World
HJ: If you want to master creating your ideal life, you first need to understand how your brain works and sees the world. Otherwise, who’s controlling who? Until we begin to understand how our…

Neuroscience Research Reveals Simple but Powerful Ways to Rewire Your Brain for Growth
HJ: Our brains are not static — they are dynamic organs that respond to our thoughts, beliefs and physical habits. Therefore you can rewire your brain for growth by following certain habits that…

How Your Thoughts Produce Very Real Physical Changes in Your Brain
HJ: Most open-minded people have become aware of the fact that their thoughts have a powerful influence on their health and happiness, however, few realize that their thoughts actually produce very real physical…

Researchers Finally Prove How Your Thoughts and Beliefs Change Your Genes
HJ: The ability of thoughts and beliefs to change your genes has recently gained credibility in the eyes of science as researchers begin to more deeply understand the relationship between the mind and…

How Your Thoughts Powerfully Shape Your Brain
HJ: In the process of understanding how your thoughts shape your brain, one often finds themselves at the conclusion that negative thoughts are bad and to be avoided at all costs. And while…

The 5 Biggest Myths You’ve Been Told About How Your Brain Works
HJ: We have been lead to believe many things in the name of science and reason that simply are not true. It is not that they were necessarily designed to be misleading, but…

How to Enhance Your Brain Plasticity and Improve Cognitive Performance
HJ: Aside from the suggestions in the article below, we recommend that you embrace challenges in life as a method for maintaining brain health. Challenges force us to look at ourselves and our…