Jeshua ben Joseph: The Clock is Counting Down to Ascension…
This is a time to cherish as the clock counts down. . . Jeshua ben Joseph via John Smallman | John Smallman — The last stage in your journey of awakening is beginning as you move…

Jeshua ben Joseph: Life For All On Earth is About to Change Dramatically
Jeshua ben Joseph via John Smallman | John Smallman’s Blog — Humanity is on the verge of an amazing development of enormous significance in your spiritual evolution. Your entire Earth history has been…

Jeshua ben Joseph: All Must Be Revealed Publicly
All has to be revealed publicly to help people understand the reason for massive changes By John Smallman | John Smallman — The intensity of your expectations continues to increase as do the energies of Love surrounding…

Jeshua Ben Joseph: Never Doubt That You are Doing Invaluable Work
Jeshua Ben Joseph via John Smallman | John Smallman’s Blog — Our honor and respect for you grows as you continue, despite the travails of the illusion, to hold your Light on high….

Jeshua ben Joseph: The Divine Energies are Supporting Your Journey
Jeshua ben Joseph via John Smallman September 19, 2012 John Smallman Note from John Smallman: Dear Friends, I want to thank you all for your regular visits to the Jesus Blog. I believe…

Jeshua Ben Joseph: You Can See Signs Everywhere That the Old Order is Crumbling
Jeshua ben Joseph via John Smallman – September 12, 2012 John Smallman You are on the verge of an enormous breakthrough into your fully-conscious state that will lead you to the most amazing…

Jeshua Ben Joseph: Tremendous Preparations Have Been Taking Place
Jeshua ben Joseph via John Smallman – August 8, 2012 John Smallman All in the spiritual realms are watching with fascination and excitement as humanity moves ever nearer to awakening. Your collective unconscious…

Jesus: An Intense Desire to Do No Harm
Jesus via John Smallman http://wp.me/p1B8dY-4T The tension mounts as the moment of your awakening gets ever closer, especially as the vast majority on Earth have great difficulty in sensing its forthcoming arrival. Changes…

Jeshua Ben Joseph: Intend to Accept That All Humans are the Divine Offspring of God
Jeshua ben Joseph via John Smallman February 18, 2012 http://wp.me/p1B8dY-3j Love binds us together, gently, sweetly, and eternally, because it is the field in which all of creation has its existence – at…

Jeshua ben Joseph: You Are all Now in a Highly Accelerated State of Releasing
Jeshua ben Joseph via John Smallman February 12, 2012 http://johnsmallman2.wordpress.com/2012/02/12/you-are-all-now-in-a-highly-accelerated-state-of-releasing/ When humanity awakens as one into its divine and fully-conscious state, there will be great rejoicing throughout creation. Its awakening has been planned…