Message from the Ashtar Command – April 4th, 2012
Ashtar Command via Greg Giles http://ascensionearth2012.blogspot.com/2012/04/message-from-ashtar-command-4412.html For the sake of clarity and so there are no misunderstandings, we say to you at this time that although there will be a few temporary relocations…

Message from the Ashtar Command March 28th, 2012
Ashtar Command via Greg Giles http://ascensionearth2012.blogspot.com/2012/03/message-from-ashtar-command-32812.html We would like to revise history here, and that is the purpose of our mission. There were events in your past that saw the destruction of an…

Message from the Ashtar Command – March 8th, 2012
Ashtar Command via Greg Giles March 7, 2012 http://ascensionearth2012.blogspot.com/2012/03/message-from-ashtar-command-3712.html There are those of you who live on with but a portion of what others do. This will change. It is because of this…

Ashtar Command Feb 29th, 2012
Ashtar Command via Greg Giles http://ascensionearth2012.blogspot.com/2012/02/message-from-ashtar-command-22912.html Take the challenges you have overcome and the lessons you have learned here with you into your new lives and your new beginning. This has been the…

Ashtar Command February 22nd, 2012
Ashtar Command via Greg Giles http://ascensionearth2012.blogspot.com/2012/02/message-from-ashtar-command-22212.html Care is called for at this time as we proceed with the many plans to free your world from your oppressors. The speed at which these events…