How to Recognize the Miracles Occurring In Your Life
HJ: Miracles are constantly occurring in our lives and yet for many of us we seem to be unable to see them. Or rather, we are unable to perceive them, for there are many things…

Galactic Federation: The Dark is Entering Its Final Days; We Are Prepared to Take Action
Galactic Federation and Spiritual Hierarchy via Sheldan Nidle http://www.paoweb.com/sn112911.htm Dratzo! We return with lots to discuss with you. Several events are ready to happen which will catapult your world toward a new reality….

Jamye Price: The Month of November Shall Be Monumental
By Jamye Price Monday, 31 October, 2011 www.CrystallineSoulHealing.com October Review So much was happening during October, definitely a month of movement. Certainly the global protesting of unfair treatment, corruption and deception has become…

Archangel Uriel: The Blessings of Dis-Illusionment
The Blessings of Dis-Illusionment A message from Archangel Uriel channeled by Jennifer Hoffman Monday, 1 August, 2011 (posted 7 October, 2011) Those things which get your attention are created through tension and resistance….