5 Powerful Questions to Help Your Create More Success and Joy This Year

HJ: Questions allow you to suspend your habitual ways of thinking and venture into the realms of creativity and possibility.  They ignite your imagination and help you solve seemingly insurmountable problems, overcoming challenges and roadblocks in the process.  Below, you will find five powerful questions to help you do just that and create even more success and joy this year than you ever thought possible.

– Truth

Five Questions to Create a Better Life

By Polly Campbell | Imperfect Spirituality


One of the best ways to live deliberately – to actually become aware of the life you are living to create the experiences you desire – is to ask good questions.

When we ask questions our brains and instincts circle around searching for the answers until they come up with something that speaks to our questions.

You ask, “why am I not having success?” and you will get plenty of answers as to your failings. But, when you ask “what can I do to become more successful?” you will also get the answers to that question and those answers will put you on the path  to creating more of what you would like.

So this New Year, choose good questions, and the answers you seek will actually guide you toward greater health, abundance, love, peace and self-awareness.

Here are five questions that can super-charge your growth and success this year.

Read the rest of the article here: http://imperfectspirituality.com/2014/12/31/five-questions-to-create-a-better-life-in-2015/

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