Search result "Light meditation"
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Demystifying Enlightenment: Understanding the States and Stages You Pass Through When Raising Your Consciousness

HJ: Despite the perception that enlightenment is some sort of mystical state that is beyond description, there is, in fact, a rather linear explanation and framework to describe and map the raising of ones…


Developing Your Heart Consciousness: A Seven Step Meditation For Joy, Peace and Awareness

HJ: In our modern culture, we have become heavily focused on the mind as the supreme source of intelligence and inspiration.  We have come to rely on rationale and logic as our primary…


Where Space and Time Meet: How Meditation Affects Your Awareness and a Simple Technique From a Master Swami

HJ: This is a very interesting and thought provoking exploration of the effects of meditation on ones awareness (among other things) from the perspective of a master Indian swami.  Swami Satyananda Saraswati is…


3 Powerful Breathing Meditations for Opening and Healing Your Heart

HJ: The combination of breath and meditation produces a powerful healing response in the body and with conscious focus, we can direct these energies to the heart center.  We have a tendency to stay…


Sex and Spirituality: How to Cultivate a Enlightened and Pleasurable Relationship With Both

HJ: The puritanical ideals of sex that have been drilled into the consciousness of humankind over the last few thousands of years are some of the hardest notions to erase from ones mind….


How to Deal With Difficult People in an Enlightened Way

HJ: One of the most challenging issues for people on the spiritual path is how to deal with difficult people in an enlightened way. We have a tendency to be passive aggressive in…


Does Your Mind Wander During Meditation? How to Stop Fighting it and Instead Use it to Enhance Your Focus

HJ: Focus is one of the primary keys to being successful at whatever it is you are doing or pursuing.  A wandering mind, although perfectly normal and useful for creative purposes, can derail…


Meditation for Cultivating Prosperity and Abundance (Video)

HJ: Prosperity, or lack thereof, is more related to personal beliefs about self worth and abundance than about money itself.  Self worth and abundance issues physically correspond to the lower three chakras and…


Biophoton Research Proves That the Human Body is Actually Made of Light

HJ: This is truly a case of science catching up with spirituality.  Spiritual masters throughout the ages have long been alluding to the fact that the body is made of light and the…


A Powerful 30 Second Meditation to Keep You Centered In Any Situation

HJ: There’s a big misconception about meditation — that it needs to go on as long as possible to get the most benefit from it.  Like most things in life, it’s about quality,…

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