Unlock the Power of Your Mind: How to Access Deeper States of Consciousness Using Sound
HJ: Our minds are truly unlimited in capability and power, but in order to unlock their full potential, we must learn to use them like an artist learns to paint. Like anything in…

Visionary Artist Mark Golding Makes Incredibly Intricate Mandalas That Evolve Consciousness
HJ: This gem of an artist turned up in our inbox the other day and we felt compelled to share his visionary, mystical work with the Healers Journal community. He offers personalized…

How Alternate Nostril Breathing Can Balance Your Nervous System and Reduce Stress
HJ: Alternate Nostril Breathing is perhaps the premiere technique for awakening the third-eye and stimulating activity of the pineal gland. It works by balancing the two major ‘nadis’ (energy channels or meridians) that…

Going Beyond the Chakras: Understanding the Five Koshas and Their Role in Health, Healing and Higher Consciousness
HJ: The Koshas give us a complete template for the expression of consciousness in physical form. Developed thousands of years ago by the master Swami’s, Mystics, Seers and Rishi’s of ancient Hindu culture…