5 Ancient Hawaiian Healing Techniques for Cleansing Your Mind of Habitual Patterns and Limiting Beliefs
HJ: Cleansing our bodies is something many of us do regularly, but how often do we cleanse our minds? How often do we turn our focus inward to detoxify our minds of the…

How to Safely and Effectively Flush Your Liver of Harmful Toxins
HJ: To be safely removed from your body, toxins must first pass through your liver to be ‘disarmed’ into harmless forms that can safely be excreted. Simple enough, yes, but what if your…

Neuroscience Research Reveals Simple but Powerful Ways to Rewire Your Brain for Growth
HJ: Our brains are not static — they are dynamic organs that respond to our thoughts, beliefs and physical habits. Therefore you can rewire your brain for growth by following certain habits that…

How to Simplify Your Life Like a Zen Master
HJ: Like anything in life, achieving the outcome you desire is more about your internal state of mind/being than anything else. Therefore if you desire to simplify your life, you must begin to…

8 Keys to Handling Difficult People With Ease and Grace
HJ: This article will teach you how to handle difficult people with ease and grace, effectively disarming them while maintaining your integrity and center. Difficult people are typically reacting emotionally and non-rationally, which can…

Here’s How to Never Regret Another Day (Or Moment) of Your Life
HJ: We regret things only because we don’t understand or see the lesson they have to teach us. Until we embrace that lesson, our regrets will continue to haunt us and cause unnecessary…

The Seven Spiritual Laws of Success: Tap Into Your Natural Abundance
HJ: Success is not random. Success follows established laws and anyone who becomes successful is following them either consciously or unconsciously, purposefully or accidentally. Not only do these laws allow/help you to tap…

Connecting to Your Essence: 7 Qualities of Your True Self
HJ: The true self within us is constantly yearning to be fully expressed. However, most of cannot recognize its voice because we are not taught how to live in alignment with it by…

Powerful Ancient Yoga Practices to Help You Eliminate the Root Causes of Stress
HJ: A holistic yoga practice, one incorporating breathing exercises, relaxation and poses, is one of the most effective things you can utilitze to not just overcome stress in the moment, but actually eliminate…