German Chancellor Merkel Might Not Be Able To Resist Breaking Up The Euro
HJ: Everyday we get one step closer to the inevitable breakup of the eurozone. Now, if everyone would just stop dragging their feet and let things happen organically and how they may, we…

Central Banks to Hold Fire… For Now
By Richard Hubbard LONDON | Sat Jun 2, 2012 7:39am EDT http://reut.rs/M0oVJt (Reuters) – The intensifying euro zone crisis and uncertain global growth outlook have raised hopes for a policy response from major central banks but, while it…

Euroblown: Why the Main Greek Parties are Struggling For Support
By John Ward http://hat4uk.wordpress.com/2012/04/12/euroblown-a-small-clue-as-to-why-the-main-greek-parties-are-struggling-for-support-and-why-brussels-has-a-big-problem/ A small clue as to why the main Greek Parties are struggling for support…and why Brussels has a BIG problem I have from friends in Athens the latest percentage support…

Eurozone Crisis: Britain’s Companies Prepare for Life After the Single Currency
Contingency planning for a breakup of the eurozone is already under way at UK-based multinationals by Richard Wachman http://www.guardian.co.uk/business/2011/dec/03/eurozone-crisis-uk-companies-plan-breakup?newsfeed=true Britain’s biggest companies are thinking the unthinkable and planning for the collapse of the euro. Multinationals…

Guest Post: What’s Lost With the Demise of the Euro? Only What Was Unsustainable
Submitted by Tyler Durden on 11/22/2011 10:22 -0500 http://www.zerohedge.com/news/guest-post-whats-lost-demise-euro-only-what-was-unsustainable Submitted by Charles Hugh Smith from Of Two Minds What’s Lost With the Demise of the Euro? Only What Was Unsustainable Scaremongering aside, the demise of the…

Italy May Be the Next Greece
Italy government borrowing rates hit euro-era high BBC News, 7 November 2011 http://www.bbc.co.uk/news/business-15617132 The Italian government’s borrowing cost has risen as fears grow over political uncertainty in Rome. The yield on Italian 10-year…

SaLuSa: Every Day Brings You Closer to Monumental Change
SaLuSa via Mike Quinsey http://www.treeofthegoldenlight.com/First_Contact/mike_quinsey/channeled%20messages/November2011/salusa__4november2011.htm 4-November-2011 You are in a situation that requires you to wait patiently for matters to develop a little further, and then you can expect action. The cleansing of…

Greek Referendum Deepens Crisis; Angers Germans
By Dina Kyriakidou and Harry Papachristou ATHENS | Tue Nov 1, 2011 9:00am EDT http://www.reuters.com/article/2011/11/01/us-greece-referendum-idUSTRE79U5PQ20111101 (Reuters) – The leaders of France and Germany scrambled on Tuesday to limit damage after Prime Minister George Papandreou decided to let…

Letter from Dr. Larson: Europe is in Financial Chaos
By Dr. Mike Larson Dear Janis, All hell broke loose in Europe this morning: European stocks plummeted. The euro plunged. Greek bond prices crashed again and gold rocketed higher. Meanwhile, Greek Prime Minister…