Leaked German Rescue Plan For Greece: What it Tells us About the Mentality of Merkelism
By John Ward http://hat4uk.wordpress.com/2012/05/14/leaked-german-rescue-plan-for-greece-what-it-tells-us-about-the-mentality-of-merkelism/ What will Camerlot do this time? In a major scoop this morning, Der Spiegel offers up a leaked memo from the German Finance Ministry under Wolfgang Schäuble, in which…

Insight: Until the Eurozone Criminality Pauperises the Vulnerable, Very Few Anglo-Saxons Will Be Interested In It
By John Ward http://hat4uk.wordpress.com/2012/04/01/insight-until-the-eurozone-criminality-pauperises-the-vulnerable-very-few-anglo-saxons-will-be-interested-in-it/ Although many very good but relatively narrow websites like Zero Hedgecontinue to explain in simple terms why the idea of eurozone survival is complete bollocks, the average EU and US…

Greek Bailout Deal A Farce To Benefit Banks At The Expense Of Greece
by Agustino Fontevecchia http://www.forbes.com/sites/afontevecchia/2012/02/21/greek-bailout-deal-a-farce-to-benefit-banks-at-the-expense-of-greece/ As it stands right now, the Greek bailout and debt deal agreed by European Finance Ministers is a farce, a program designed to pay Greece’s international creditors and buy…