Greek Bank Run Update: 100-500 Million Euros Per Day
By Tyler Durden on 06/12/2012 07:57 -0400 Zero Hedge Five days ahead of the Greek parliamentary re-vote, the media propaganda machine has gone mute due to the moratorium on the RAND() known as popular polling:…

Spain Caves, Admits It Needs European Bailout
by Tyler Durden on 06/05/2012 07:32 -0400 http://www.zerohedge.com/news/spain-caves-admits-it-needs-european-bailout And so those lining up at the bailout trough are now 4: remember all those lies Spain spoon-fed the gullible press that it didn’t need a European bailout as…

Eurozone is ‘Unsustainable’ Warns Mario Draghi
The head of the European Central Bank hit out at the political paralysis gripping the region as he warned the eurozone’s set-up was “unsustainable”. By Louise Armitstead, Chief business correspondent 8:26PM BST 31 May 2012…

Greek Leaders Fail to Form Coalition
A third attempt to forge a coalition in Greece has failed as the leader of a radical party committed to a complete revision of the country’s critical EU bailout refused an invitation to…

As New Greek Bonds Tumble To All Time Lows, Is Greece About To Re-Default In 5 Days?
By Tyler Durden on 05/10/2012 11:35 -0400 http://bit.ly/K20vlT Back on May 5th, before the shocking outcome of the Greek elections was known, and before anyone had even heard of the May 15th €430 million bond…

Euroblown: The Grisly Necrophilia of the Mad Elites is Merely the Overture
By John Ward http://hat4uk.wordpress.com/2012/04/17/euroblown-the-grisly-necrophilia-of-the-mad-elites-is-merely-the-overture/ ‘Lagarde praised reform efforts by Italy’s government and said market confidence had improved since Rome agreed to enhanced surveillance by the IMF. She also saw progress in Spain.’ (Reuters website…

Euroblown: Why the Main Greek Parties are Struggling For Support
By John Ward http://hat4uk.wordpress.com/2012/04/12/euroblown-a-small-clue-as-to-why-the-main-greek-parties-are-struggling-for-support-and-why-brussels-has-a-big-problem/ A small clue as to why the main Greek Parties are struggling for support…and why Brussels has a BIG problem I have from friends in Athens the latest percentage support…

ISDA and CAC’s: ISDA Gearing Up For Pro-Trigger Default Judgement
by John Ward http://hat4uk.wordpress.com/2012/03/08/isda-and-cacs-isda-gearing-up-for-pro-trigger-default-judgement/ OK, I know – The Slog misread this one last time. But take a look at this extract from the ‘Greek obligations’ release put out by ISDA last night…

Eurozone to Push On With Crisis Steps, Fitch Doubts Outcome
By Jan Strupczewski | Reuters – 33 mins ago http://www.guardian.co.uk/business/feedarticle/10001370 BRUSSELS (Reuters) – The euro zone will pursue measures to tackle its sovereign debt crisis this week by offering more cash to the IMF and long-term liquidity to banks, while…