The Keys to Radical Abundance: How to Master the Art of Thinking Big
HJ: You are unlimited. Anything you can dream can be created or achieved. However, you are SO powerful that whatever you believe your limits to be, become real. Therefore your perceived limits are…

Expanding Your Consciousness: A Powerful Meditation For Accessing Your Inner Wisdom
HJ: What would you do if you knew that it was not possible to fail? This is the path of inner wisdom. The path of expanded consciousness. The path where you follow your…

The 4 Keys to Tapping Into Your Personal Power and Truth
HJ: You are powerful. You are whole and you are entirely capable of anything you set your heart and mind to. This article will show you how to tune into that power and…

The 5 Keys to Living a Deeply Fulfilling, Authentically Happy Life Discovered by Carl Jung
HJ: A deeply fulfilling, authentically happy life is within reach for anyone as long as they are willing to adopt the habits that lead to it without fail. Happiness and fulfillment are no…

How to Quickly Break Your Bad Habits
HJ: Every time you do something you reinforce that pattern in your brain and overtime create habits. If the habit triggers some kind of neurochemical release, it gets further cemented into your brain,…

12 Powerful Daily Rituals of the World’s Most Successful People
HJ: Success is not an accident. Success is the result of developing certain traits and characteristics that support self growth and learning at every level. And after reading about the 12 rituals that…

Where Space and Time Meet: How Meditation Affects Your Awareness and a Simple Technique From a Master Swami
HJ: This is a very interesting and thought provoking exploration of the effects of meditation on ones awareness (among other things) from the perspective of a master Indian swami. Swami Satyananda Saraswati is…

Holistic Nutritionist Lays Out Her Top 10 Food Rules For Radiant Health
HJ: Opinions and beliefs about health are increasingly becoming like beliefs about politics and religion — highly charged and vehement. Ultimately, this serves no one as even the most extreme diets are based…

How Sound Affects Human Consciousness and Health
HJ: Silence is elusive. We never actually experience silence as there is always some sort of sound being emanated, whether or not we can perceive it. Even in special recording studios designed to be…