How to Tell if Your Chakras Are Out of Balance
HJ: Our mental, emotional and physical state all affect the health and balance of chakras (and vice versa). And fixing one aspect will see a reflection in the other. One of the greatest…
5 Sacred Tibetan Yoga Poses to Balance Your Mind and Body
HJ: This is a very interesting series of yoga poses designed to balance your mind and body based on ancient, sacred Tibetan teachings. To those who regularly practice yoga it might seem a bit…
3 Powerful Ancient Yogic Breathing Techniques to Help You Relax and Stay Centered
HJ: Breathwork gets you out of your head and into your heart. It can short circuit worry, stress, tension, fear, frustration and any other negative emotional state. It also has an extremely balancing…
Powerful Ancient Yoga Practices to Help You Eliminate the Root Causes of Stress
HJ: A holistic yoga practice, one incorporating breathing exercises, relaxation and poses, is one of the most effective things you can utilitze to not just overcome stress in the moment, but actually eliminate…
The Yoga of Sound: How to Enhance Brain Function and Health With Yoga Mantras
HJ: Yoga mantras are sounds that transform consciousness, enhance brain function and improve health among many other valuable and needed things. The repetitive use of them at regular intervals produces very profound and positive effects on…
Powerful Ancient Yoga Techniques For Overcoming Anxiety and Stress
HJ: Stress has its origins in the mind and is partially based on our perceptions of ourselves and the world around us. Therefore all effective strategies for dealing with stress deal with it…
Healing of the Self: Yoga and the Art of Happiness
HJ: While most see yoga as a purely physical practice in the West, it is actually a complete philosophy for and system of living that encompasses not just the body, but the mind…
How to Release Blocked Emotions and Open the Heart With Primal Release Pose
HJ: Anytime an emotion is pent up, blocked, or repressed, there is a spiritual, mental and physiological response. Therefore in looking to address and ultimately heal the effects of doing so, we can…
3 Powerful Breathing Meditations for Opening and Healing Your Heart
HJ: The combination of breath and meditation produces a powerful healing response in the body and with conscious focus, we can direct these energies to the heart center. We have a tendency to stay…