Occupy Movement Takes to New York Streets
http://www.google.com/hostednews/afp/article/ALeqM5iJwJJ_k-b74v69S-fhDhZ_Bdv9Cw?docId=CNG.534f33271205236a48455b453c0c410c.1a1 (AFP) – 31 minutes ago NEW YORK — Occupy Wall Street protesters took to New York’s streets Tuesday in the highlight of a plan to mount a “general strike” across the United States….

Occupy Wall Street Planning Countrywide Mayday Event For May 1st, 2012
http://occupywallst.org/article/may-day-call-action/ Posted 1 week ago on April 10, 2012, 4:01 p.m. EST by OccupyWallSt To the activist, the rebel, the revolutionary, the dreamer. To all who believe in a better world. To those who…

Occupy 2.0: The Great Turning
Building a movement to build a new reality By Michael Nagler April 5, 2012 http://www.yesmagazine.org/people-power/occupy-2.0-the-great-turning The spinning wheel, and the spinning wheel alone, will solve the problem of the deepening poverty of India….

The American Spring: A Time for Occupy To Blossom
By Kevin Zeese 16 March, 2012 http://www.countercurrents.org/zeese160312.htm National Occupation of Washington, DC Will Bring Occupiers Together to Share Experiences, Educate Each Other and Build an Independent Movement to Shift Power from Concentrated Wealth….

Occupy Wall Street Protests ALEC In What Activists Call Largest Coordinated Occupy Event This Year
By Saki Knafo 03/01/2012 Huffington Post http://www.huffingtonpost.com/ In cities around the country today, hundreds of Occupy protestors gathered for what the movement described in a release as its “largest coordinated action this year.”…

Mad, Passionate Love — and Violence: Occupy Heads into the Spring
by Rebecca Solnit Feb. 21, 2012 http://www.commondreams.org/view/2012/02/21-5 When you fall in love, it’s all about what you have in common, and you can hardly imagine that there are differences, let alone that you…

Occupy San Francisco Gets Down to Business
Gary Kamiya, Salon, 01-20-2012 http://bit.ly/yUfPXK After a brief hibernation, a refocused movement takes aim at corporate America SAN FRANCISCO–Act II of the Occupy Wall Street movement, San Francisco version, kicked off on a rainy,…

Occupy Wall Street Makes Official Call To Amend Constitution
By Nike Sachs Posted: 1/6/12 12:43 PM ET http://www.huffingtonpost.com/2012/01/06/citizens-united-constitutional-amendment-occupy-wall-street_n_1189373.html Efforts to amend the Constitution to declare that corporations are not people and money is not speech gained support in two notable New York…

Bringing America Back: A Bank Doing the Right Thing
Chris Cuomo, Catherine Cole and Linh Tran, ABC World News Dec 21, 2011 http://abcn.ws/rxqhFE With their high fees, foreclosures and the number of families left scrambling to keep their homes, these days banks…

Occupy DC Protesters Take Over K Street
By Tyler Kingkade Posted: 12/ 7/11 05:34 PM ET http://www.huffingtonpost.com/2011/12/07/occupy-dc-protesters-k-street-arrested_n_1135084.html WASHINGTON — At least 60 protesters were arrested on K Street NW, the historical lobbying hub of the nation’s capital, as they blocked…