The Group: The First Lesson of Time
The Group via Steve Rother | Lightworker.com — This day has created a new vibration. You are all acclimating yourself to it in a new way, for you have opportunities that you have…

Steve Rother And The Group: Awakening the Child – Scripting a New Story
The Group via Steve Rother | Lightworker.com — From Steve: Hi all. This message was a powerful call to action. The people in the room were sitting on the edge of their chairs as…

The Group: All Levels Evolve – Reminders From Home
HJ: Steve Rother is another excellent channel who brings us clear, meaningful messages from a collective known as ‘The Group’. In this message they speak about some of the spiritual mechanics involved in…

The Group: The Trialitation of Love
By Steve Rother & The Group From Steve: This channel carried several intertwined messages. At the base of this channel was the message about love. They said that everything on Earth has to…

The Group: End of the Rope: Magnetic Re-Alignment
The Group via Steve Rother February 15, 2012 http://lightworker.com/beacons/ 2012/2012_02-EndoftheRope.php Greetings from Home This day marks a level of vibration much the same way as the last seven times that we have been…

The Group: Moving to a Carbon Base
The Group via Steve Rother From Steve: In the very beginning of Lightworker the group has asked me place the words “Second Wave” on the front page of each section. The same is true…

The Group: Let There Be More Light
The Group via Steve Rother http://lightworker.com/ Greetings from Home Our Shifting Carbon Base We tell you, Home, heaven, whichever words you wish to describe where you are originally from, has changed. It has…

The Group: New Earth Angels
The Group via Steve Rother http://lightworker.com/beacons/2011/2011_11-RoomForYourLight.php From Steve: In this message the group talked about a special kind of person that they called Earth Angel. They say that these people come in…

The Group: New Technologies Preparing to be Released
The Group via Steve Rother From Steve: The group has tried on several occasions to pretend to be human. The most difficult part for them is telling a joke. They understand the…