Lawsuit Against SEC Chairman for $3.78 Trillion

By Steve Beckow

Al Hodges has been building a case against the Security and Exchanges Commission for several years over the Commission’s allegedly fraudulent refusal to release funds to shareholders connected to a company called CMKX. The real eye-opener is in the size of the funds and damages claimed: $3.78 trllion dollars. Here is an explanation of Hodge’s action:

CMKX Litigation Update

This office represents seven of CMKX’s larger shareholders who collectively hold more than 3.5 Billion shares. We have prepared a Bivens based class action lawsuit seeking release of all the funds that have been collected for the benefit of CMKX shareholders, or for damages in an amount in excess of $3,780,000,000,000. This suit alleges that the SEC commissioners have violated the Fifth Amendment Constitutional property rights of the shareholders by withholding consent to the release of such funds, for years, which amounts to a taking without due process of law.

How many are familiar with this case? Probably only a few of us. The largest suit probably in American (perhaps even in world) history and the mainstream media are not reporting it. Here a new news outlet called The Whole World Watching introduces itself and tells us the background of the CMKX case, which they intend to be the thin edge of the wedge of reform of the economy.

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