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Psycho-Spiritual Astrology: May 2016 Horoscope
May 2016 Horoscope – Astrological Psychology By Dr. Ron Holman | Discerning Wisdom — Written in Twilight Language which Incorporates Spelling & Other Grammatical Intentions Aries – 3/21 – 4/19 Going with the Flow means that…

Psycho-Spiritual Astrology: February 2016 Horoscope
February 2016 Horoscope – Astrological Psychology By Dr. Ron Holman | Discerning Wisdom — Written in Twilight Language which Incorporates Spelling & Other Grammatical Intentions Aries – 3/21 – 4/19 Abundance is Now Available, Present and…

10 Powerful Ways to Improve, Expand and Evolve Your Life in 2016
HJ: Start 2016 off on the right foot with these powerful changes and tweaks that will massively improve your quality of life, happiness and joy in the new year. – Truth — By…

Psycho-Spiritual Astrology: January 2016 Horoscope
January 2016 Horoscope – Astrological Psychology By Dr. Ron Holman | Discerning Wisdom — Written in Twilight Language which Incorporates Spelling & Other Grammatical Intentions Aries – 3/21 – 4/19 During this time it is…

5 Healing Plants That Powerfully Shift and Expand Human Consciousness
HJ: Plant medicines are powerful tools for expanding consciousness and instigating deep healing when used in the proper manner. – Truth 5 Powerful Psychedelics That Treat Mental Disorders and Change Human Consciousness By…

4 Ways To Boost Your Psychic Abilities and Intuitive Awareness
4 Ways To Boost Your Psychic Power By James Van Praagh — What’s the benefit of developing your sixth sense? Tuning in to the voice of your own soul and becoming more receptive…

The 3 Stages Of Spiritual Awakening
HJ: Dr. Wayne Dyer outlines the three stages of spiritual awakening based on his decades of study and spiritual practice. An interesting read for sure. – Truth The 3 Stages Of Spiritual Awakening…

5 Powerful Ancient Breathing Exercises For Instant Relaxation
HJ: There are few things as powerful as your breath for regulating your consciousness and emotional state. These 5 powerful ancient breathing practices will bring you back into a state of harmony, balance…

6 Healing, Spiritual Superfoods That Increase Clairvoyant Abilities
HJ: We often take food for granted, not realizing that it can be a spiritual experience in and of itself, especially for those sensitive to the subtle energies of their own bodies and life…

Healing Vibrations: The Power of Spiritual Music
The Power of Music: healing, relaxation and cultural unity By Michael Kenton | — Music is a significant part of almost everyone’s lives. It can uplift us, help us to relax; it can…

How To Rewire Self-Love Into Your Brain Permanently
HJ: Love has the power to transmute all lower emotions into higher ones and powerfully shift your thoughts, beliefs and vibration when expressed authentically, powerfully and deeply. – Truth How To ‘Wire’ Self-Love Into…

3 Powerful Manifestation Exercises To Help You Master the Art of Creating Your Reality
HJ: Reality isn’t set in stone. It responds in realtime to your thoughts, beliefs, actions and emotions. Learn how to harness all of the above and more to create a reality of abundance,…

4 Powerful Beliefs That Lead to Spontaneous Healing and Rejuvenation of the Body
HJ: Your mind is infinitely powerful, so much so that those things which it holds most strongly are always reflected in the body. – Truth 4 Beliefs That People Who Have Spontaneous Healings…

3 Powerful Practices for Expanding Your Intuition and Opening Your Third Eye
3 Ways To Increase Your Intuition: Tips To Reignite Your Third Eye By Deborah Kind Intuition is the ability to sense a situation through non-logical means, often also called a “gut feeling.” This type…

15 Health Secrets of the Worlds Longest Lived People
HJ: If you want to know how to be healthy, why not study the worlds longest lived people? Surely they have something figured out… – Truth 15 Secrets Around the World About Health…

Psycho-Spiritual Astrology: December 2015 Horoscope
December 2015 Horoscope – Astrological Psychology By Dr. Ron Holman | Discerning Wisdom — Written in Twilight Language which Incorporates Spelling & Other Grammatical Intentions Aries – 3/21 – 4/19 You Aries Participation ‘On Going-ly’ calls…

5 Powerful Questions to Get You Unstuck and Back in the Flow
HJ: The only thing that keeps us stuck in life is our perception. Shift that and the world shifts and reality shifts in direct reflection. And there are few things as powerful as…

The Mind-Body Connection: How to Discover the Emotional Roots of Disease and Illness
HJ: 95% or more of disease is a result of deep unhealed emotional wounds, traumas and belief patterns. In this illuminating, research backed guide, you’ll learn to see the connections between what’s going…

10 Simple, But Powerful Ways to Increase Your Spiritual Awareness
HJ: These 10 principles or rules for living will easily, simply and powerfully expand your spiritual awareness. – Truth The 10 Step Spiritual Diet Start loving your body today. By Brad Lamm —…

How to Be Radiantly Happy and at Peace, Even When Things Don’t Go Your Way
HJ: Always remember, life is not happening to you, it’s happening for you. – Truth Accepting Delays and Appreciating the Gift of Empty Time By Avery Rogers — “Always say ‘yes’ to the…

10 Spiritual Foods to Raise Your Vibration
10 Foods that Will Raise Your Vibration Let’s try something new. Let’s consider what we eat in terms of energy, not nutrients. Everything in this world has its own unique vibration, depending on…

10 Ways to Transform Insecurity and Shame into Strength and Confidence
HJ: You are whole. You are infinite and your powerful beyond measure. If you are in an emotional state that is telling you anything less than this you are lying to yourself and knowing…

This Powerful Siberian Healing Herb Boosts Your Mood, Immunity and Energy
HJ: In nature there exists treasures everywhere. For every ailment that humankind faces, there is a corresponding herb or natural medicine to treat the mind, body and spirit. – Truth Rhodiola Rosea Significantly…

How to Experience the Wisdom, Good and Growth Hidden in Difficult Situations
HJ: The idea of right and wrong, good and bad are all just judgement calls on events and circumstances designed to help us grow and expand. Every single last one of them. –…

20 Keys to Letting Go and Trusting the Flow of Life
HJ: When you let go and trust the wisdom of life, you open yourself to the flow and the infinite ways that abundance, joy and effortlessness can work itself into your life. Mind…

How to Deal With Difficult Emotions and Stay Centered in Love and Harmony
Attachment, Ego and the Emotions By Rena Wells — Diving into the emotional realm does seem daunting. In all honesty not many of us truly understand what emotions are, and how could we? Even…

How to Majorly Shift Your Level of Happiness in Just 3 Days
HJ: From one moment to the next you can become an stay ecstatically happy. All it takes is a shift in perception and how you live your life… – Truth The 3-Day Happiness…

The Law of Manifestation: How to Turn Your Thoughts and Dreams into Reality
HJ: Manifestation is an art and like an art, it requires practice to master. Most people forget this fact. Furthermore, there is far more to it than just thinking positive thoughts and visualization….

The 5 Biggest Things That Are Influencing Your Health More Than Anything Else
HJ: Health is not about any one thing… It’s about your holistic lifestyle… and that includes everything to what you eat to what you think and everything in between. But with that being…

Psycho-Spiritual Astrology: November 2015 Horoscope
November 2015 Horoscope – Astrological Psychology By Dr. Ron Holman | Discerning Wisdom — Written in Twilight Language which Incorporates Spelling & Other Grammatical Intentions Aries – 3/21 – 4/19 Celebrate, Celebrate, Celebrate Daily during this…

How to Access Your Soul Consciousness
HJ: Most people live from their mind… very few live from their soul consciousness, which is most in alignment with your true divine nature. – Truth Trusting Your Soul To Produce The Outcome…

5 Powerful Ways to Get Rid of Negative Thoughts and Enjoy Lasting Peace of Mind
HJ: The quality of your life is a reflection of the quality of your thoughts and so look not without but within to make your shifts. – Truth 5 Easy Ways to Uncomplicate…

How to Let Go of Expectations So You Can Experience Deep Peace and Joy in Every Moment
HJ: Let go of expectation and the beauty and wisdom of life comes pouring in to your experience, bringing with it great peace and joy… – Truth How Expectations Undermine Our Relationships and…

How to Heal Deep Emotional Wounds From Childhood and Set Yourself Free
HJ: So often the only thing holding us back is old wounds from childhood and healing and releasing them is all we need to do to set ourselves free to experience abundant joy,…

The Art of Self-Love: How to Put an End to Negative Self-Talk
HJ: Negative self-talk is a sign of deeper emotional wounds and limiting beliefs that need to be cleared out. When you do that, EVERYTHING shifts—your thoughts, your physiology, your mood and most importantly…

8 Ways to Rekindle the Joy, Freedom and Wonder We Knew As Children
HJ: Our primary work in life is to reclaim the childlike joy, freedom, love and innocence that we have become disconnected from as adults. To bring these qualities back into your life and…

21 Ways to Release Negative Thoughts and Emotions and Love Yourself More Deeply
HJ: You are love, therefore it’s not about learning to love yourself, it’s about removing everything that’s getting in the way of you tapping back into your essence, which is all the negative…

A Powerful Guided Meditation For Awakening and Activating Your Chakras
Guided Meditation to Open Up Your Energy Centres By Marc Allen — Meditation is simple. In fact, one of the most difficult things about it is that it is so simple. Most…

How to Silence Your Inner Critic and Free Yourself From Negative Self Talk
HJ: Your inner critic is the voice of your subconscious, which harbors all the limiting beliefs and emotional wounds you’ve picked up in a lifetime. As you work through these, removing them and…

10 Ways to Get Your Life Unstuck and Move Back Into the Realm of Infinite Possibilities
HJ: You only get stuck when you momentarily forget that anything is possible at all times. It’s a trap of the rational/logical mind and one that you can shift out of by reconnecting…