How Asking the Right Questions Can Unlock Your Ability To Manifest The Best Possible Outcome In Any Situation
HJ: If the law of attraction and manifestation don’t seem to be working for you, you may be going about them in the ‘wrong’ way. There are many reasons why these laws don’t…

Cosmic Awareness: The Imagination and its Powerful Role in Manifestation
IMAGINATION AND MANIFESTATION Cosmic Awareness via Will Berlinghoff | CosmicAwareness.org — QUESTIONER: Yes it did and I thank you for that. He will be pleased. There is one other one concerning the imagination…

Dr. Joshua David Stone: Poverty Consciousness in the Name of Spirituality
Written by Dr Joshua David Stone I AM University I would imagine that the title of this chapter would be Spiritually intriguing to many of my readers, for I think a great many of…

Dr. Joshua David Stone: How the Negative Ego Sabotages your Ability to Manifest – Part 3 of 4
Written by Dr Joshua David Stone I AM University The next way the negative ego sabotages is that it creates doubt, fear, and impatience. I say to you, my Beloved Brothers and Sisters, that…

Dr. Joshua David Stone: How the Negative Ego Sabotages your Ability to Manifest – Part 2 of 4
Written by Dr Joshua David Stone I AM University The next way the negative ego sabotages the manifestation process is that it “carries its cross itself, instead of letting GOD and the inner plane…

Dr. Joshua David Stone: How the Negative Ego Sabotages your Ability to Manifest – Part 1 of 4
Written by Dr Joshua David Stone http://iamuniversity.org/how-the-negative-ego-sabotages-your-ability-to-manifest-2/ This, my Beloved Readers, is another very interesting study of how the negative ego/fear-based/separative thought system can sabotage your ability to manifest success in every aspect of…