"awareness" tag

A Simple But Powerful Practice for Creating More Synchronicities in Your Life

By Lori Mariani, LCSW, CYT | Lotus Spiral — “Synchronicity is an ever present reality for those who have eyes to see.” ~ Carl Jung I see the world as an intricately woven…

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The 12 Laws of Happiness: The Keys to Joy in Life, Love and Work

HJ: To be in a state of happiness is to be quite closely aligned with the source energy from which all reality springs.  It is a divine state that brings you into vibrational alignment…


How to Slip Into the Expanded Awareness of Flow States

HJ: Flow states are magical moments of expanded awareness where we reconnect with our truest self and the pure creativity that is our essence.  And best part is you can train yourself to…


How to Free Yourself From Limiting Beliefs That Are Crippling Your Happiness and Success

HJ: Removing and reprogramming limiting beliefs is perhaps the most powerful thing you can do to shift your reality and your consciousness. That’s because limiting beliefs control how we perceive the world, what…


How to Evolve Your Consciousness: A Complete Guide to How Your Mind, Body and Spirit Evolve and Develop Over the Course of Your Lifetime

HJ: If you want to understand who you are and why your life is like it is at a much deeper level than you ever thought possible, this article is for you. The…


How to Transform Fear Into Excitement and Fuel For Pursuing Your Dreams

HJ: Fear transformed is simply emotional energy to be used in the pursuit of something great. – Truth Turn Your Fear into Excitement So You Can Pursue Your Dreams By Melissa Field | melissa-field.com | Tiny…


12 Profound Truths About Your Mind and Reality That Will Change Your Life

HJ: This is some powerful wisdom distilled into bite sized chunks that you can start applying in your life immediately.  If you are looking for a shift, you’ve found it.  Enjoy… – Truth…


5 Powerful Ways to Create an Outrageously Fulfilling Life By Making a Few Small Tweaks to What You’re Already Doing

HJ: Often times simple tweaks to how we see ourselves, life and the world can produce BIG results.  After all, our emotional state is primarily dictated by our perception of reality and what…


What Your Feelings Are Trying to Tell You: How to Decode the Messages of Your Emotions

HJ: Emotions are not random.  They are a highly intelligent form of energetic communication that are intended to help guide us through life.  They can also be used to direct us to those…


5 Keys to a Spiritually Aware Relationship

HJ: Relationships can be a powerful tool for self growth. Our partners typically mirror our own projections, beliefs, emotional patterns and wounds and so by observing them and what they do that triggers…

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