July 2013 Energetic Forecast: The Great Emotional Cleanse
HJ: Higher levels of awareness and consciousness require us to release those habits, beliefs, thoughts and patterns which no longer serve our highest good. In this way, we undergo a powerful emotional and…

Understanding the Role of ‘Darkness’ and ‘Evil’ in Higher Consciousness
HJ: In a recent discussion with one of my teachers, the subject of perspective came up. The bulk of humanity is currently operating from a dualistic framework at this time. Duality can be…

24 Signs That You May Be an Indigo Child (or Adult)
HJ: While many indigos are indeed still children, quite a large number of you have now progressed onto adulthood.. I think this is an important distinction because it may keep some people from identifying…

Visionary Artist Mark Golding Makes Incredibly Intricate Mandalas That Evolve Consciousness
HJ: This gem of an artist turned up in our inbox the other day and we felt compelled to share his visionary, mystical work with the Healers Journal community. He offers personalized…

How to Stop Struggling and Step Into The Flow
HJ: Pushing harder only makes things harder. Struggle engenders more struggle, as per the law of attraction. I wan’t to let you in on a big secret: life can be as easy as…

How to Recognize and Embrace Your Soul Desires
HJ: Our soul desire can be likened to our intuition and there is definitely some overlap, however, it specifically represents the drive to express our destiny — our highest purpose in this lifetime….

How to Recognize the Miracles Occurring In Your Life
HJ: Miracles are constantly occurring in our lives and yet for many of us we seem to be unable to see them. Or rather, we are unable to perceive them, for there are many things…