Cosmic Awareness: On HAARP and the Galactic Federation
Cosmic Awareness via Will Berlinghoff http://www.cosmicawareness.org HAARP Technology Used To Intensify Natural Storms Questioner: I have the name Lloyd, I do not have a last name. It concerns HAARP. “It is written anybody that…

Andromedans: Connect With Gaia as She Shifts Into Higher Realms
Andromedans via Ute http://radiantlyhappy.blogspot.com/2011/11/message-from-andromeda-galaxy-4-unite.html We Are from the Domain of Fire and Light, of Unity of all souls and Sacred Divine Core Essence in the Andromeda Galaxy. Dearest earth humans, We have a…

Arcturians: Unleash Your Freedom
Arcturians via Ute http://radiantlyhappy.blogspot.com/2011/10/message-from-arcturians-unleash-your.html Beloved earth humans, we are the Arcturians! Today we come in great joy, because your future is to enfold in a most auspicious way. What you have not been…

The Creation Energies: The Energetic Shift of October 28th, 2011
Creation Energy via Brenda Hoffman http://www.lifetapestrycreations.com Dear Ones, October 28, 2011 is a day of concern or excitement for many of you. There will be and have been energy shifts throughout this week…

Lauren Gorgo: 11-11-11: Source Code Activation
11-11-11: Source Code Activation Posted by Lauren (online) on Thursday, October 27, 2011 http://www.thinkwithyourheart.net/author/lauren/ “We would open with this: Congratulations! You are officially on the runway to new earth.” – The Pleiadian High Council The Anticipation…

Archangel Michael: 11-11-11 is A Great Moment in the Transformation of Planet Earth
Archangel Michael via Celia Fenn http://www.starchildglobal.com/NewYorkNov211.html The New Earth Energies October 2011 Beloved family of Light, this is a great moment in the Transformation of Planet Earth and the establishment of the New…

Occupy London: Protest Continues for Second Day
BBC News, Oct. 16, 2011 http://www.bbc.co.uk/news/uk-15324901 London protester: “We know families that are counting the baked beans on their children’s plates. An anti-capitalist protest in London’s financial district is continuing for a second…

Saul: Your Journey into Full Consciousness is Accelerating
Saul via John Smallman October 16, 2011 http://www.johnsmallman.wordpress.com As is becoming very clear, economic and political changes are happening all over the world that the mainstream media can no longer avoid reporting on….

SaLuSa: An Explanation of Aspects of Duality
SaLuSa via Laura Tyco http://galacticlauratyco.blogspot.com/2011/10/salusa-to-me-15-oct-2011-message-of.html Laura: Good afternoon SaLuSa. I was reading a comment on my blog commenting on wars in Africa and concerned about labour exploitation in China. I would appreciate it if…