SaLuSa: Situations Are Rapidly Changing
SaLuSa via Mike Quinsey, Jan. 4, 2012 http://www.treeofthegoldenlight.com/First_Contact/mike_quinsey/channeled%20messages/January2012/salusa__4_january_2012.htm Ever since you set out upon your path to Ascension, you have been given every help and encouragement to take up the challenge to decide…

SaLuSa: You Will Be Given Help in the Coming Year
SaLuSa via Mike Quinsey http://www.treeofthegoldenlight.com/First_Contact/mike_quinsey/channeled%20messages/January2012/salusa__2january2012.htm 2-January-2012 We hear you saying “at last” as you commence this year that is divinely bringing the cycle of duality to a completion. There are a whole mix…