"may 20th solar eclipse" tag
sun flare map

A Rare Solar Eclipse Alignment Will Happen on May 20th, 2012

A Rare Solar Eclipse Alignment Will Happen Between the Earth, the Sun and, our central Sun, Alcyone in the Pleiades Constellation. http://www.riseearth.com/2012/05/rare-solar-eclipse-alignment-will.html On May 20, 2012, a rare solar eclipse alignment will happen…

sun flare map

Children of the Sun: The Powerful May 20th Solar Eclipse – The Initiation of Monadic Absorption

The Initiation of Monadic Absorption By Children of the Sun http://www.childrenofthesun.org/index.php?option=com_content&view=article&id=492:initiation-of-monadic-absorption&catid=39 Mp3 Audio Narrative You Tube Video Through the influence of these May-June celestial alignments, monadic level energy will catalyze an instant evolution…

sunrise ascension

May 20th Solar Eclipse Alignments

May 20th Solar Eclipse Alignments Solar Annular Eclipse – 20th May 2012 Global Planetary Alignments with Sacred Sites http://www.heavenandearthastrology.blogspot.ca/2012/04/may-20th-solar-eclipse-alignments.html Maximum Eclipse at 23:47 UT/GMT This Eclipse begins west of Hong Kong, then it…

sun flare map

May: The Window of Opportunity

Window of Opportunity http://2012portal.blogspot.com/2012/04/window-of-opportunity-windowof.html Window of Opportunity for divine intervention is about to open on planet Earth. The entry point of that window is World Liberation Day on May 5th. The turning point…

earth from space

Intel Update: Spring Forward, May Brings Many Changes

Spring Forward, May Brings Many Changes http://americankabuki.blogspot.com/2012/04/spring-forward-may-brings-many-changes.html Thank You, American Kabuki I’ve received a lot of unusual information today.  I feel like I am in the eye of an information hurricane that is…

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