Eurozone Crisis: Britain’s Companies Prepare for Life After the Single Currency
Contingency planning for a breakup of the eurozone is already under way at UK-based multinationals by Richard Wachman http://www.guardian.co.uk/business/2011/dec/03/eurozone-crisis-uk-companies-plan-breakup?newsfeed=true Britain’s biggest companies are thinking the unthinkable and planning for the collapse of the euro. Multinationals…

The Group: New Earth Angels
The Group via Steve Rother http://lightworker.com/beacons/2011/2011_11-RoomForYourLight.php From Steve: In this message the group talked about a special kind of person that they called Earth Angel. They say that these people come in…

Wanderer of The Skies: Your Leaders Have Put Disclosure on the “Front Burners”
http://www.galacticchannelings.com/english/wanderer07-10-11.html Greetings from the Federation: Much is happening on your world these days. You can see the protests occurring all over as you are awakening to the energy of love. There is much…