How to Let Go of Expectations So You Can Experience Deep Peace and Joy in Every Moment
HJ: Let go of expectation and the beauty and wisdom of life comes pouring in to your experience, bringing with it great peace and joy… – Truth How Expectations Undermine Our Relationships and…

8 Ways to Rekindle the Joy, Freedom and Wonder We Knew As Children
HJ: Our primary work in life is to reclaim the childlike joy, freedom, love and innocence that we have become disconnected from as adults. To bring these qualities back into your life and…

15 Highly Nutritious Foods That Will Boost Your Mood and Happiness
HJ: We are indeed much more than what we eat, but nevertheless what we eat can help us to become so much more than what we are. – Adelle Davis – Truth 15…

The 12 Laws of Happiness: The Keys to Joy in Life, Love and Work
HJ: To be in a state of happiness is to be quite closely aligned with the source energy from which all reality springs. It is a divine state that brings you into vibrational alignment…

8 Powerful Tools For Opening Your Heart and Cultivating Joy
HJ: Joy is the natural state of life and the universe. It is a reflection of the love that permeates all things. And it is your natural state. Fear is only an absence of…

16 Highly Effective Ways to Transform Unhappiness Into Joy
HJ: Given enough time, unhappiness will naturally transform into joy, but for most of us, we’d like to speed that process up as much as possible. Enter Sangeeta Bhagwat with a whole list…

4 Ways to Deepen Your Gratitude and Open Yourself Up to More Happiness and Abundance
HJ: Happiness, abundance, peace of mind, appreciation and joy are just a few of the benefits of an authentic gratitude practice. And this is quite enticing, but it is important to always practice…

10 Simple but Powerful Habits That Will Create Greater Happiness and Joy in Your Life
HJ: It’s the little choices we make everyday that have the biggest influence on our happiness and joy. We like to think it’s the big shifts that change everything, and they certainly can,…

10 Powerful Ways to Bring More Love and Happiness Into Your Life
HJ: At the core of your being, you are love. Bringing more love into your life, then, is not a process of adding, but removing what is blocking it from shining through. The…

How to Infuse Your Life With the Healing Power of Love
HJ: Love is your truest essence and the more you can get in touch with it, the better your life will become and the greater level of healing you will experience. Because all…