Russia’s Anti-Putin Protests Grow
Russia’s anti-Putin protests grow Tens of thousands say they are prepared to take to the streets in the biggest challenge yet to the country’s government By Miriam Elder Wednesday 7 December 2011 15.03…

PRG Mounts Second Disclosure Petition Dec. 1, 2011
PRG Update – November 20, 2011 Disclosure Petition II www.disclosurepetition.info On December 1, 2011 the second Disclosure Petition will be submitted to the White House’s We the People initiative. Under the new rules…

New UFO Documentary to be Released by Hollywood on Government Cover-Up
POTUS Briefing: Eyes Only — UFO Documentary Coming POTUS Briefing — Eyes Only, being produced by Gordon Novel, is a total disclosure and demonstration of an evidentiary chain to be put before the…

The Technocratic Revulsion Begins: Photos And Video As Thousands Of Italians Protest Monti’s “Banker” Government
By Tyler Durden http://www.zerohedge.com/news/technocratic-revulsion-begins-photos-and-video-thousands-italians-protest-montis-banker-governm Well that was quick: Italy is about to be acquainted with the old Asian saying that a “known devil is better then unknown angel”, especially when the angel is…

Berlusconi Plays Last Cards, Denies He Will Resign
By Paolo Biondi and Barry Moody http://www.reuters.com/article/2011/11/07/us-berlusconi-idUSTRE7A61GR20111107 (Reuters) – Italian Prime Minister Silvio Berlusconi, under huge pressure from international markets and rebels in his party, tried to play his last cards on Monday…

Wall Street Journal Exposes Government Extraterrestrial Wall of Secrecy
news.exopoliticsinstitute.org, October 26, 2011 http://news.exopoliticsinstitute.org/index.php/wall-street-journal-exposes-government-extraterrestrial-wall-of-secrecy/ Toronto [ZNN] – Wall Street may be occupied but the prestigious Wall Street Journal is indeed ‘occupied’ by matters of the Extraterrestrial kind. The Wall Street Journal, America’s esteemed and largest selling newspaper…

Pilot Speaks Out about Chemtrails and HAARP
http://members.beforeitsnews.com/story/1256/807/Pilot_Speaks_Out_About_Chemtrails_And_HAARP.html” Barry Davis, atms/cl., Oct. 19, 2011, BeforeItsNews The intent of this information is to create a strong interest in Chemtrails and HAARP so that people will want to sit with their government…

White House Disclosure Petition Needs Your Support!
Released by the Paradigm Research Group http://wh.gov/gKC www.disclosurepetition.info As of this Update the Disclosure Petition has 9577 signatures. That is 21st out of 188 petitions filed on the White House website trending 11th…

Pleiadians: Great Changes to Come in the Days Leading to November
Pleiadians via James Gilliland http://soundofheart.org/galacticfreepress/content/pleiadian-message-days-come-you-are-going-see-great-changes-between-now-and-november There have been many meetings; which were multidimensional in nature in a consortium of advanced beings addressing the disturbance in the force called Earth. There is a unified…

Galactic Federation: New Government Prepares for Launch
Galactic Federation and Spiritual Hierarchy via Sheldan Nidle http://www.paoweb.com/sn101111.htm 7 Kan, 17 Tzotz, 8 Manik Dratzo! We return! Your world is moving swiftly to a resolution of the struggle between our Earth allies…