7 Powerful Ways to Transform Feeling Defeated into Feeling Empowered
HJ: Feeling discouraged and defeated is just that… a feeling and nothing else. A feeling does not mean it is true let alone real. Feelings shift and change like waves in the ocean….

12 Things to Remind Yourself of When You Wake Up That Will Supercharge Your Day for Success and Joy
HJ: The moment when you first open your eyes everyday is a point of power. You still have a direct line into your subconscious mind that is not usually available during other times…

How to Move Beyond the Limits of Your Comfort Zone and Start Living an Empowered Life
HJ: Leaving your comfort zone is one of the single greatest things you can do to evolve and grow as a person and move your life forward. If you are feeling stuck, frustrated,…

Life-Changing Lessons You Can Learn From the Regrets of the Dying (and How to Avoid Making the Same Mistakes as They Did)
HJ: The regrets of the dying offer us profound insight into what we can do to make living our lives more fulfilling and ultimately happier and richer. We have a tendency to get so…

How to Live a More Empowered Life: The Role of the Chakras in Creating the Life of Your Dreams
HJ: The first rule of changing your life and reality is to stop focusing on external events and look within for the answers you seek. All external circumstances are manifest (attracted to you)…

Archangel Gabriel: The Empowerment of Love
Archangel Gabriel via Marlene Sweltishoff http://www.therainbowscribe.com November 3, 2011 Beloved Ones, I would like to have discourse with you on the quality of Love called empowerment. This quality brings out the higher inner…