A “More Dangerous” Tear Gas Emerges in Tahrir Square
By Peter Beaumont and John Domokos, Guardian UK, 27 November 11 http://bit.ly/vmKMaj Two Egyptian protesters accompany a man, center, overcome with tear-gas inhalation during clashes with Egyptian riot police. (photo: AP) Egyptian security forces…

UC Faculty Side with Students in Protests
http://stevebeckow.com/2011/11/uc-faculty-side-with-students-in-protests/ Statement of UC Faculty in support of peaceful students This week, we have seen excessive force used against non-violent protesters at UC Berkeley, UCLA, CSU Long Beach, and UC Davis. Student, faculty…

California Campus Police on Leave After Pepper-Spraying
California campus police on leave after pepper-spraying By the CNN Wire Staff, November 21, 2011 http://www.cnn.com/2011/11/20/us/california-occupy-pepperspray/index.html?hpt=hp_t3 Police spray seated Occupy protesters (CNN) — The University of California at Davis has placed two police officers…

US Police Try to Remove Online Evidence of Brutality
US cops tried to erase online evidence of brutality Russia Today, 26 October, 2011 http://rt.com/news/google-report-police-brutality-767/?mid=5141187 The police block streets near the Oakland City Hall as the Occupy Oakland protesters march towards the city…

Occupy Oakland: Second Iraq War Veteran Injured After Police Clashes
Kayvan Sabehgi in intensive care with a lacerated spleen after protests in Oakland, a week after Scott Olsen was hurt. He says police beat him with batons By Adam Gabbatt, Guardian, 4 November…

Occupy Oakland: Police to be Investigated Over Scott Olsen Injury
Citizens’ Police Review Board to launch formal investigation as Oakland prepares for general strike on Wednesday By Adam Gabbatt 11.1. 2011 14.58 EDT http://www.guardian.co.uk/world/2011/nov/01/occupy-oakland-police-scott-olsen Oakland police are to be the subject of a…

Occupy Oakland: Protestors Demand Resignation of Oakland Mayor
Occupy movement returns to streets demanding answers after teargas canister hit Iraq serviceman Scott Olsen in the head By Andrew Gumbel Thursday 27 October 2011 03.25 EDT http://www.guardian.co.uk/world/2011/oct/27/oakland-police-protest-wounding-veteran c About 2,000 people –…