How to Discover and Live Your Passion (Video)

How to Discover Your Passions and Build Your Life Around Them:
Scott Dinsmore at TEDxGoldenGatePark

Scott created a life-changing program for people who want to build a deeply fulfilling life around doing the work they love called Live Your Passion.
Learn more about it here:
Live Your Passion Course
Scott Dinsmore’s mission is to change the world by helping people find what excites them and build a career around work they love and enjoy.
He is a career change strategist whose demoralizing experience at a Fortune 500 job launched his quest to understand why 80% of adults hate the work they do, and more importantly, to identify what the other 20% were doing differently.
His research led to experiences with thousands of employees and entrepreneurs from 158 countries. Scott distilled the results down to his Passionate Work Framework – three surprisingly simple practices for finding and doing work you love, that all happen to be completely within our control.  Learn more about his work here: Scott Dinsmore – Live Your Passion

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