Looming Crisis: The Clock Is Ticking For Spain
HJ: Between the olympics, multiple shootings in the US and few token disasters around the world, the intense focus on the European debt crisis has eased somewhat in the past week or two….

Action: Spanish Bailout “Imminent… Unavoidable”
By John Ward The Slog ACTION….Spanish bailout “imminent….unavoidable”. WORDS: “The G20 wishes to express its alarm about the eurozone crisis” (Opening statement) “We can see that the markets are not convinced. We must draw…

MUST READ: Debt Crisis: Europe’s Democracies Must Not Subcontract Their Destiny to the Bundesbank
Europe has lit the fuse on an economic and financial bomb. The rescue package for Spain cannot plausibly be contained to €100bn once it begins, given the subordination of private creditors and collapse…

Here They Come: Ireland Demands Renegotiation Of Its Bailout Terms To Match Spain
by Tyler Durden on 06/09/2012 19:33 -0400 http://www.zerohedge.com/news/here-they-come-ireland-demands-renegotiation-its-bailout-terms-match-spain Well that didn’t take long. The ink on the #Spailout is not dry yet (well technically there is no ink, because none of the actual details of the Spanish…

Spain Caves, Admits It Needs European Bailout
by Tyler Durden on 06/05/2012 07:32 -0400 http://www.zerohedge.com/news/spain-caves-admits-it-needs-european-bailout And so those lining up at the bailout trough are now 4: remember all those lies Spain spoon-fed the gullible press that it didn’t need a European bailout as…

Eurozone is ‘Unsustainable’ Warns Mario Draghi
The head of the European Central Bank hit out at the political paralysis gripping the region as he warned the eurozone’s set-up was “unsustainable”. By Louise Armitstead, Chief business correspondent 8:26PM BST 31 May 2012…

Spain Faces ‘Total Emergency’ as Fear Grips Market
Spain is facing the gravest danger since the end of the Franco dictatorship as the country is frozen out of global capital markets and slides towards an epic showdown with Europe. By Ambrose Evans-Pritchard, International…

ECB’s Refusal To Play Ball Means Spain Has To Foot A €350 Billion Bailout Bill Alone
By Tyler Durden on 05/30/2012 07:27 -0400 http://bit.ly/L4IhhX Moving away from baseless (or is that faceless?) European bailout rumors, and moving into cold hard math territory, we hear from JPM’s David Mackie that “If a…

Run on Nationalised Spanish Bank Sees Customers Withdraw €1Billion… as French Government Slashes its Own Pay by 30%
By Daily Mail Reporter – May 17, 2012 http://tinyurl.com/7cmp8wc • Shares in Bankia, Spain’s fourth largest bank, fall 27% after media reports • Greece forms government, but will dissolve it tomorrow for new…

Spain Crisis: Deloitte Reports €1bn Overstatement in BANKIA Savings & Loan Division
By John Ward http://hat4uk.wordpress.com/2012/05/10/spain-crisis-deloitte-reports-e1bn-overstatement-in-bankia-savings-loan-division-13/ Spanish crisis moves up a gear as doubts grow about Madrid bailout resources Sources in troubled Spanish bank Bankia confirmed to leading Spanish newspaper El Mundo yesterday that auditors…