Cosmic Awareness: How Portal Openings Will Be Perceived
http://www.stankovuniversallaw.com/breaking-astral-news/cosmicawarenessonportalopeningshowwilltheybeperceived http://www.cosmicawareness.org Introduction As promised, you can find below the last message of CA on our common theme “Opening of Portals”. The questions, posed to CA by members of the CAC-group, were inspired…

The Team: 11-11-11 and the Awakening of Humanity
The Team via Peggy Black http://www.morningmessages.com We are here, and we acknowledge and embrace you as the Galactic Citizens that you are. This is a time of unparalleled opportunity, in which all eyes…

Arcturians: Update on 11-11-11 Stargate Ascension
Arcturians via Suzanne Carroll http://www.stankovuniversallaw.com/breaking-astral-news/thepatmissionisalreadyafullsuccess Dear Arcturians, Is there more I should know about 11.11.11? Will we leave 3D Earth at that time? Our Beloved Ascending Ones, You notice that we no longer…

Lord Merlin: The Magic of The Coming Times
Lord Merlin via Natalie Glasson http://soundofheart.org/galacticfreepress/content/magic-time-lord-merlin The world that you currently acknowledge as your reality is alight with magic, the very air that you breathe into your body is filled with the presence…

The Arcturians: A Guide to Opening Your Ascension Portal
Introduction by Dr. Georgi Stankov, October 16, 2011 www.stankovuniversallaw.com I have the pleasure to publish today a very important technical instruction from the Arcturians to all members of the PAT and first ascension…

Final Days of the Mayan Calendar and the 11-11-11
By Sandra Walter on October 11, 2011 http://www.sandrawalter.com/items/final-days-of-the-calendar-and-the-11-11-11 The last days of the Mayan Calendar are here. Day 7 lasts from October 11 – 28, 2011, and then is quickly followed by the 11/11/11…

Archangel Michael: Ascension, 11-11-11, and Mind, Body, Spirit Symptoms
Archangel Michael via Celia Fenn http://www.starchildglobal.com/ The 11:11:11 Portal Dearest Lightworkers, you are indeed moving through a time of great turbulence and change. Some of you may already be feeling the effects in…

Akashic Wisdom Keepers: Commentary on the 11-11-11 Stargate
Akashic Wisdom Keepers via Irma Kaye Sawyer http://soundofheart.org/galacticfreepress/content/commentary-111111-stargate-akashic-wisdom-keepers Beloveds, we are in agreement with your other communication channels that this will be a potent energetic time. This Stargate will have a unique feel…

Message from the Elders: We Enter the Final Day of the Mayan Calendar
A channeling by the Elders, ancient, celestial Beings and High Council Members to the Order of Melchizedek ~ By Anrita Melchizedek http://soundofheart.org/galacticfreepress/content/we-are-entering-day-seven-message-elders Welcome sweet ones, it gives us great pleasure to be with…