"politics" tag

Benjamin Fulford: Signs of Cabal Defeat Are Proliferating

HJ: As the higher dimensional energies continue to pour in, we are simultaneously receiving reports from the trenches that the power network of the cabal is slowly but surely collapsing.  Indeed there have been many…

China Factory Unrest Flares as Global Economy Slows

James Pomfret, Reuters, 11-25-2011 http://www.reuters.com/article/2011/11/25/us-china-factory-strikes-idUSTRE7AO04C20111125 DONGGUAN, China – In factory towns across China’s export powerhouse in the Pearl River Delta, a vicious cycle of slowing orders from the West and increasing wage pressures…

deep underground military base

The White Hats Update: Criminal Cabal Weakening

September 25, 2011 – WHITE HATS REPORT #29 Obama, Bush and the true, Sordid State of Our Cabal Controlled Union. It has been a little bit of time since we last posted an article. …

imf board

Benjamin Fulford: Cabal Resorting to Desperate Tactics as they Try to Prevent Reboot of Financial System

By Benjamin Fulford There are many signs available in both the corporate propaganda media and the people based independent media that some sort of end-game crisis is approaching for the criminal cabal in…

mount fuji japan

Obama Authorizes Stationing of Japanese Troops on US Soil

By Benjamin Fulford US President Barack Obama signed an executive order allowing 2500 elite Japanese soldiers to be stationed on US soil, according to a Japanese military intelligence agent. The Japanese self-defense forces…

earth from space

The Real Reason Behind the 9/11 Terror Was a Battle for Control of the Global Collateral Accounts

by Benjamin Fulford Although a decade of research has proven a high level cabal at the top of the Western power structure was behind the 911 terror attacks, few realize the attack was…

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