"sedona" tag

Archangel Metatron: The Integrity of Prayer Questing & The Mechanics of Sedona Star-Gates

HJ: There is nothing like an Archangel Metatron (via James Tyberonn) message to keep motivation high and help one shift to a deeper understanding of exactly what is occuring in the collective and…

titicaca bolivia

Children of the Sun: The Significance of the 11-11-11 Portal

By Children of the Sun FoundationNovember 1, 2011 http://www.childrenofthesun.org/index.php?option=com_content&view=article&id=423%3A11-11-11-oracle-vision&catid=39&lang=en Blessings Dear Sun Family, The culminating moment is almost here and we now begin the 11-day countdown to the 11:11:11 first wave ascension spiral!The…

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