"Life purpose" tag

18 Small Things You Can Do Today That Lead to Big Happiness

HJ: Big happiness (that lasts!) doesn’t usually come from any one thing… it is the result of many small choices that change the course of your life.  After all, that is what gives…


How to Live Your Passion and Start Doing What You Love

HJ: A life lived without passion is hardly a life at all and yet so many people get trapped in this kind of existence, almost always out of fear… fear of going for it…

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Why It’s So Hard to Find Your Passion (and What You Can Do to Discover It)

HJ: Passion, life purpose, meaning… whatever you want to call it, it can be tricky to find if you don’t know how to properly recognize the signs your heart and the universe are…


How to Move Beyond the Limits of Your Comfort Zone and Start Living an Empowered Life

HJ: Leaving your comfort zone is one of the single greatest things you can do to evolve and grow as a person and move your life forward.  If you are feeling stuck, frustrated,…


7 Inspiring Reasons Why You Need to Follow Your Bliss

HJ: Life is too short to do anything but follow your bliss.  Period.  Facing challenges in life is inevitable, but when you face challenges on the path of your personal bliss, you have…


How to Get Crystal Clear Clarity on Your Life Purpose

HJ: The subject of vision has continually reared its head in my life over the last few weeks.  Not one to ignore a ‘sign from the universe’, I have been meditating and reflecting…


Having Trouble Trying to Find Your Purpose? These 3 Powerful Questions Will Help You Discover It

HJ: If you have been struggling to find your purpose then you need ask yourself these 3 powerful questions.  They will help you discover the qualities you posses that can be successfully translated…


Why It’s So Important to Do What You Love Instead of What’s ‘Safe’

HJ: Your heart tells you to do what you love and your mind (or friends, family, etc.) tells you to do what’s safe or likely to make you the most money.  Who hasn’t…


How to Snap Out of Living Life on Autopilot and Change the Course of Your Life

HJ: You have probably heard the famous saying ‘Familiarity breeds contempt.’  While this is especially true in relationships, in life in general, the fact is that familiarity breeds comfort and comfort breeds complacency….


20 Powerful Questions to Help You Find Work You Love and Discover Your Personal Inspiration

HJ: When we are children we dream of doing the work we love because of sheer passion and inherent interest.  As we age, we often times trade these childhood dreams for a paycheck,…

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